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Effect of Climatic and Ecological Conditions of the North on Ageing Processes. P. 5–17
Section: Physiology
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Irina S. Deputat*, Irina N. Deryabina*, Aleksandra N. Nekhoroshkova*, Anatoliy V. Gribanov*
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Irina Deputat, address: proezd Badigina 3, Arkhangelsk, 163045, Russian Federation;
The article presents a review of current scientific approaches to human ageing in the North. Ageing
is a burning issue both in Russia and the rest of the world. To preserve body functions in older adults
living in harsh climate is becoming increasingly important. The number of research on ecological
physiology and polar medicine has been growing continually. However, we need to systematize the
available scientific data and develop clear theoretical and practical solutions to the problems of human
life in the North. The paper dwells on the ecological factors adversely affecting human health in the
North and contributing to the development of polar stress syndrome. Further, it presents the results of
the research into certain mechanisms accelerating ageing processes in the North due to disturbance
of neuroendocrine regulation. In addition, it describes the research on the link between premature
ageing and accelerated development of cardiovascular diseases, as well as on the shift of growing
morbidity and mortality rates in non-native inhabitants of the North to the young and middle working age,
etc. Special attention is paid to the influence of psycho-emotional stress on northerners during ageing.
Further, the article presents data on the link between the efficiency of adaptation to adverse climatic
and ecological factors of high latitudes and functional brain asymmetry. Moreover, the importance of
research into the mechanisms of human adaptation and maladjustment in the North is highlighted here,
as it reflects peculiarities of the formation of pathological conditions, thus helping to prevent them in the
elderly and old age.
climatic and ecological conditions of the North, older adults, ageing, polar stress syndrome, northern stress, brain asymmetry, brain energy state
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