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Effect of Temperament, Neural Energy Metabolism, and Level of Cerebral Cortex Activation on the Mental Development of Younger Schoolchildren. P. 43–55
Section: Physiology
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Irina V. Khabarova*, Natal’ya S. Bedereva*, Sergey N. Shilov*
*Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev
Corresponding author: Natal’ya Bedereva, address: ul. Ady Lebedevoy 89, Krasnoyarsk, 660060, Russian Federation;
The paper studied the intensity of energy metabolism and level of activation effect on the cerebral
cortex in younger schoolchildren. 149 children with normal (n = 69) and delayed (n = 80) mental
development were examined. Temperament types of younger schoolchildren were identified by
behavioural manifestations intensity index: in children with normal development, average index values
predominated, corresponding to the adequate type of temperament; in children with delayed mental
development, high values prevailed, i.e. the intense type of temperament. Differences in the course
of brain processes in schoolchildren with different temperament traits were revealed. Children with
normal development and adequate type of temperament showed optimal indices of energy metabolism
intensity and level II of cerebral cortex activation; “intense” children more often demonstrated high
intensity of neural energy metabolism and level III of cerebral cortex activation; children with the
calm type of temperament had a high level of left hemisphere activation and lower intensity of neural
energy metabolism. Younger schoolchildren with delayed mental development and the calm type of
temperament showed asymmetric activation of the cerebral hemispheres with predominant activity
of the right hemisphere and low intensity of energy metabolism in the cerebral cortex. In “adequate”
children we more often observed average intensity of energy metabolism and level II of cerebral cortex
activation, with predominant symmetrical activity of the right and left hemispheres. Children with the
intense type of temperament demonstrated high intensity of neural energy exchange and high level of
activation effect on the cerebral cortex, with predominant activity of the right hemisphere. In addition,
the paper showed the role of some psychophysiological mechanisms in the mental development of
children of primary school age.
omega potential, steady DC potential, temperament of younger schoolchildren, cerebral activation processes, neural energy metabolism
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