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Dynamic Components of Postural Control in Women Aged 60–74 Years with Different Rates of Ageing. P. 18–23

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Section: Physiology

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Taisiya P. Moroz*, Aleksandr V. Demin*, Dimitar Jovanovski**, Mati Pääsuke**
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian federation)
**University of Tartu (Tartu, Estonia)
Corresponding author: Taisiya Moroz, address: 3 proezd Badigina, Arkhangelsk, 163045, Russian Federation, e-mail:


This article presents the results of the study into the dynamic components of postural control in women aged 60–74 years with different rates of ageing. The research involved women with low (n = 83) and normal (n = 85) rates of ageing. To assess the dynamic components of postural control we used the computer-aided stabilometric complex Balance Master. In Sit-to-Stand test women with normal rate of ageing showed decreased rising index and increased sway velocity. These data suggest reduced adaptive abilities as well as changes in the neurophysiological mechanisms of holding posture at quick rising from a seated position in women with normal rate of ageing compared to those with low rate of ageing. The Walk Across test revealed increased step width and reduced gait speed in women with normal rate of ageing. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups in Tandem Walk test, which indicates that no changes take place either in the adaptation abilities or neurophysiological mechanisms of postural control in women 60–74 years old with normal rate of ageing. We suggest that the preservation of effective coordination during walking in older women will have a positive effect on their life expectancy. Further, in Step/Quick Turn test, prolonged turn time to the left and to the right as well as increased turn sway were observed in older women with normal rate of ageing compared to those with low rate of ageing. These data suggest reduced adaptive abilities and changes in the neurophysiological mechanisms of complex motor acts in women with normal rate of ageing.


older women, rate of ageing, walk, stabilometry


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