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Neurobiological Background of Anxiety Formation. P. 24–36
Section: Physiology
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Aleksandra N. Nekhoroshkova*, Irina L. Bolʼshevidtseva*
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Aleksandra Nekhoroshkova, address: 3 proezd Badigina, Arkhangelsk, 163045, Russian Federation; e-mail:
This paper presents an overview of scientific approaches to the problem of anxiety formation and looks
into hypotheses describing the neurobiological background of anxiety states in humans. The question of
the underlying reasons of anxiety disorders occurring in some people while not present in others under
the same external stress factors is one of the most difficult and insufficiently studied. The analysis of
scientific research demonstrates that etiology of anxiety is mainly caused by biochemical and hormonal
factors influencing the work of the central nervous system. The most popular, serotoninergic theory of
anxiety formation is based on the data of scientific research into malfunctions of the serotonin system in
various manifestations of anxiety states. According to the catecholaminergic hypothesis, changes in the
level of hormones synthesized in the adrenal medulla play an important role in anxiety formation. The
GABA-benzodiazepine hypothesis explains the etiology of anxiety by insufficient activity of the complex
of GABA-benzodiazepine receptors. A special role in the research on biochemical prerequisites of anxiety
states is given to the study of the ontogenetic stage with concomitant structural and functional changes in
the body that can act as key factors of personal anxiety formation in one age or another. It is emphasized
that a body going through active changes in the neuronal organization of the central nervous system at
primary school and puberty age appears to be the most vulnerable to adverse environmental effects and
development of anxiety states. Studies into anxiety states at mature and elderly age demonstrate that
they are not only caused by environmental stress factors and typological properties of neurodynamic
processes, but are often also connected with chronic somatic diseases. Gender factor is also important
for the study of underlying causes of anxiety states. Systematized knowledge about neurochemical as
well as gender- and age-related physiological prerequisites of anxiety formation is extremely important
for its timely diagnostics and treatment.
anxiety; etiology of anxiety disorders; theories of anxiety formation; neurochemical, hormonal, age- and gender-related factors of anxiety formation
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