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Lanthanum- and Flow-Induced Erythrocyte Aggregation at Burn Disease. P. 66–74

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Aleksandra N. Popovicheva*
*Privolzhsky Federal Research Medical Centre (Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Aleksandra Popovicheva, address: Verkhne-Volzhskaya nab. 18/1, Nizhny Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation; e-mail:


Structural and functional abnormalities in erythrocytes changing their hemorheological parameters (deformability and aggregation) occupy an important place in the pathogenesis of various diseases. In burn disease, from the first hours after the injury, significant disorders of hemostasis and microcirculation are observed. This is partly due to increased erythrocyte aggregation. This paper aimed to study the relationship between spontaneous and lanthanum-induced erythrocyte aggregation in burn disease. We used the blood of healthy donors and patients in the first three days and on the 7th and 14th day following the thermal trauma. It was established that much lower lanthanum concentration is required to induce erythrocyte aggregation in acute periods of burn disease than in healthy subjects. During the first 7 days after the burn, induced aggregation increases, while on the 14th day, it decreases. Spontaneous erythrocyte aggregation in burn patients remained elevated throughout the study period. Taking into account the difference in the mechanisms of spontaneous and lanthanum-induced erythrocyte aggregation, we can assume that the use of lanthanum as aggregation inducer makes it possible to detect improved properties of erythrocyte membrane by the 14th day after thermal trauma and thereby assess the effectiveness of the therapy. In addition, the research into both spontaneous and induced erythrocyte aggregation allows us to clarify the mechanism of hyperaggregation development in burn disease.


spontaneous erythrocyte aggregation, induced erythrocyte aggregation, lanthanum, burn disease


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