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Evaluation of an Innovative Rehabilitation Programme Aimed to Restore Injured Knee Joints in Football Players. P. 83–89
Section: Medical and biological sciences
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Natal’ya Yu. Tarabrina*, Elena Yu. Grabovskaya*
*V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Natal’ya Tarabrina, address: prosp. akademika Vernadskogo 4, Simferopol, 295007, Respublika Krym, Russian Federation; e-mail:
Search for and development of modern rehabilitation methods for athletes after injuries is an urgent
interdisciplinary issue involving sports medicine, physiology, biomechanics, and psychology. We studied
the possibility of using a rehabilitation programme including massage and therapeutic exercises to
restore the functional status of the injured knee in football players. This set of therapeutic exercises was
developed and implemented for the first time in the training process (Patent no. 2603619 of 27.11.2016).
The study involved 10 football players aged 19–22 years with knee joint injuries. Functional diagnosis
was made on the 1st, 10th and 20th day of the rehabilitation course both on the healthy and on the
injured extremity. The following parameters were recorded for all the subjects: circumference of the joints,
angle of flexion/extension of the joints, dynamic endurance, and static endurance. It is shown that after
the rehabilitation course, parameters of relative rest (circumference and angle of flexion/extension of
the joints) recorded in the injured joint corresponded to those of the healthy joint (the deviation ranging
between 0.6 and 3.1 % (p < 0.05)), while at critical load (static and dynamic endurance) the performance
of the injured joint was significantly lower than that of the healthy joint (the deviation ranging between
5.6 and 23.2 % (p < 0,001)). It should be noted that the rehabilitation effect achieved by the 10th day of
the course was greater than that achieved by the 20th day, which means that rehabilitation should start
as soon as possible after the injury.
knee injury, massage of lower extremities, therapeutic exercises, recovery of athletes, football injuries
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