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Section: Notes Download (pdf, 1.3MB )UDC612.13+612.81AuthorsRufina I. Efremova*, Anatoliy P. Spitsin***Vyatka State University (Kirov, Russian Federation) *Kirov State Medical University (Kirov, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Rufina Efremova, address: ul. Moskovskaya 36, Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation; e-mail: rufina_85@inbox.ru AbstractThe study determined experimentally the stability of the sympatotonic type of the autonomic nervous system in young skiers experiencing preparatory and competitive loads. In schoolchildren aged 10– 11 years, cardiorhythmogram was recorded using an electrocardiograph, followed by a mathematical analysis of heart rate (time and spectral indices). During the preparatory phase, 55 % of the skiers retained the sympathotonic type of the autonomic nervous system; they showed an increased activity of the humoral channel and a slight decrease in the activity of the central regulation circuit, while no statistically significant changes in the indices of heart rate variability were observed. In 45 % of the subjects we saw a transition from the initial sympathotonic to the normotonic type; these athletes experienced a decrease in background tension of regulatory processes, which was accompanied by a statistically significant decrease in the activity of the central regulation circuit, an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, and predominance of the respiratory component in the wave structure of the heart rate. During the competitive phase, practically all the skiers retained the initial sympathotonic type of autonomic regulation, without statistically significant changes in heart rate parameters. The background tensions of regulatory processes for these athletes remained practically unchanged. Thus, skiers with the sympathotonic type of the autonomic nervous system under the influence of preparatory and competitive loads experience significant transformations of regulatory mechanisms, manifested in unequal changes in heart rate parameters. The results of this analysis will help further improve the quality of training of young athletes.Keywordsyoung skiers, autonomic nervous system, sympathotonic type of autonomic regulation, heart rate variabilityReferences
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