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Movements of the Centre of Gravity in Women Aged 55–64 Years at Risk of Becoming Geriatric Fallers. P. 5–13
Section: Physiology
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Aleksandr V. Demin*, Anatoliy V. Gribanov*, Mikhail N. Pankov*,
Ol’ga N. Popova**, Andrey B. Gudkov*/**
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
**Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
Falls due to old age is a serious problem for the elderly. Although they are typical for people aged
65 years and over, recent evidence suggests that women are at risk of falling as early as at 50. Therefore,
this work aimed to study the characteristics of oscillatory movements of the centre of gravity (CG) within
the base of support in women aged 55–64 years at risk of becoming geriatric fallers. The research
involved 88 women aged between 55 and 64 years (mean age 60.2 ± 3.2 years). The group under
study included 44 women who had experienced two or more falls in the previous 6–8 months (at risk
of becoming geriatric fallers). The control group consisted of 44 women of the same age who had not
experienced a single fall within the previous 12 months. To assess the characteristics of CG movements,
Smart Equitest Balance Manager was used. The following tests were performed: Motor Control Test
(MCT) and Rhythmic Weight Shift (RWS). A comparative evaluation of MCT identified a decline in
postural response in women aged 55–64 years at risk of becoming geriatric fallers. The analysis of
the RWS test revealed deteriorated quality of CG control in the frontal and sagittal planes, as well as
decreased CG movement rate in the sagittal plane in women aged 55–64 years at risk of becoming
geriatric fallers. Thus, declining postural response and deteriorating quality of CG control in the frontal
and sagittal planes in women aged 55–64 years increase their risk of becoming geriatric fallers.
women aged 55–64 years, computerized posturography (stabilometry), centre of gravity, falls, postural instability, rate of ageing, quality of life
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