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Key Features of Functional Maturity of the Cerebral Cortex in Children with Multiple Risk Factors During Early Development. P. 14–24

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Elena V. Kazakova*, Lyudmila V. Sokolova*
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)


This research deals with functional maturity of the cerebral cortex in children aged 7–8 years with dysontogenetic risk factors during the preschool period. The paper analysed the parameters of brain maturity and the medical history of 41 first formers. The summarized data of the parents’ and teachers’ questionnaires aiming to reveal peculiarities of child development in the preschool period allowed us to identify groups of first formers with multiple risk factors and without risk factors in their early development. Electroencephalograms were recorded in the state of quiet wakefulness and at functional loads (photostimulation and hyperventilation). Functional maturity of the cerebral cortex was evaluated using the EEG-ekspert computer-aided diagnostic system. The qualitative analysis of the children’s electroencephalograms showed differences in the development of rhythmogenic structures of the cerebral cortex. In schoolchildren with multiple risk factors, the nature of the alpha rhythm (in 65.0 % of the children) and its changes at the functional tests deviated from the age norm. The mean values of all cortical maturity parameters in each group were lower, which can indicate lagging functional maturation of the cerebral cortex. Parameters of immature basic background EEG rhythm are a risk marker for difficulties with learning or socialization at various stages of a child’s development. EEG tests at the early stages of ontogenesis allow us to take timely measures in order to minimize potential deviations in child development.


brain functional maturity, electroencephalogram, risk factors in early development, dysontogenesis, primary school children


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