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Age-Related Changes in the Levels of Catecholamines and Parameters of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Residents of the Russian North. P. 25–34

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Ekaterina V. Nesterova*, Boris A. Shengof*, Artem A. Bichkaev*
*Laverov Federal Research Centre for Integrated Studies of the Arctic, Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)


The research involved adult population (aged 16–74 years) of the Arctic (818 subjects) and the Subarctic (897 subjects) regions of the Russian North. Using the spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods, we determined the serum levels of carbohydrate metabolism parameters (glucose, pyruvate, and lactate) and the urine levels of catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine). We found that the increase in urine epinephrine and norepinephrine levels with age is accompanied by an increase in serum glucose level and activity of anaerobic processes in inhabitants of the Arctic region. People living in the Subarctic region aged 16–45 years had significantly higher glucose levels than those living in the Arctic region. In subjects aged 46–74 years, the regional differences were much less pronounced, but the number of people with abnormally high glucose values was greater, especially in the Arctic region. In all age groups of the Subarctic region, we identified prevalence of norepinephrine, especially in 16–21-year-olds; in the Arctic region, on the contrary, epinephrine dominated, especially in the age groups of 22–35, 36–45 and 61–74 years. There were established pronounced fluctuations in the glucose level, such as its significant increase in the blood of 16–21- and 36–45-year-old inhabitants of the Subarctic region. Furthermore, the research found that the pyruvate level decreases and the lactate level increases with age in inhabitants of the Subarctic region, while those living in the Arctic region showed an opposite trend. The most significant effect produced by the levels of catecholamines on the levels of glucose and its metabolites was observed in inhabitants of the Subarctic region aged 16–21, 46–60 and 61–74 years and in those of the Arctic region aged 22–35 and 36–45 years.


epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucose, lactate, pyruvate, Subarctic region, Arctic region, age-related changes


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