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Variability of Electrocardiogram Components in Response to a Mental Test in Men Aged 18– 19 Years. P. 35–40
Section: Physiology
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Nadezhda G. Russkikh*, Lev I. Irzhak*
*Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin (Syktyvkar, Russian Federation)
This paper studied electrocardiograms (ECG) of healthy young men aged 18–19 years at rest and
during a mental test. The work aimed to examine the duration of the PP, РT, and PQ intervals and the
TP segment at rest and in response to a mental test. The research involved 15 first-year students of
Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin. Their body length (cm) and weight (kg) were
measured and their heart rate was palpated for 60 seconds. Using the VNS-ritm device (Neurosoft,
Russia), 50 ECG cardiac cycles were recorded in lead II at rest (seated position) and during the mental
test (mental counting from 100 to 1 for one minute). Within one minute, the heart rate increased by an
average of 41 %, the РР interval decreased by 30 %, the duration of the РT and PQ intervals remained
at the initial level, although the share of the РT interval in the cardiac cycle increased by 33 %. The
duration of the TP segment almost halved. Thus, the lowest variability in this experiment was observed
in the PT and PQ intervals, while the highest, in the TP segment. It was revealed that the higher the
heart rate as a result of the mental test, the bigger the share of the atrioventricular complex (PT) and
the smaller the share of the electrical diastole (TP) in the total duration of the PP interval. The degree of
the increase in heart rate and shortening of the ECG elements’ duration depends on their values at rest.
electrocardiogram, electrocardiogram intervals, heart rate, mental test, heart rate variability, young men aged 18–19 years
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