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Influence of Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Fields on the Organism’s Antenatal Development. Part 2. Late Effects During the Postnatal Period (Review). P. 41–55
Section: Physiology
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Nataliya I. Khorseva*/**, Yuriy G. Grigor’ev***, Pavel E. Grigor’ev****/*****
*Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation)
**Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation)
***Burnazyan Federal Medical and Biophysical Centre (Moscow, Russian Federation)
****V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol, Russian Federation)
*****Tyumen State University
(Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Part 1 of the review analysed works studying the influence of low-intensity electromagnetic fields
of natural (cosmophysical factors) and technogenic (mobile phone radiation) origin on the antenatal
development of humans and animals. The present article consists of two sections. Section 1 studies whether postnatal development could be determined by the effect of cosmophysical factors during the
intrauterine (antenatal) development; it also considers the possibility of using a retrospective analysis
of cosmophysical factors affecting an organism during its intrauterine development to predict various
nosological forms of diseases and abnormalities in the postnatal development in the light of the theory
of heliogeophysical imprinting. Section 2 presents data on the possible late effects of chronic exposure
to mobile phone radiation on an organism during its intrauterine development and provides the results of
both experimental and epidemiological studies. The fundamental difference in the nature of the biotropic
effect of these factors is underlined. Space weather, as an integral factor of human habitat on a global
scale, undergoes cyclic and quasi-periodic changes (at the level of decades, years, months, weeks, and
days), while exposure to mobile phone radiation is an uncontrollable and constantly operating factor
with a pronounced accumulative effect. Our main task was to systematize the key lines of research in
this area without providing a detailed analysis of the impact mechanisms of these environmental factors,
since such a task requires separate consideration. The majority of the analysed works look into possible
impact mechanisms, in particular those produced by electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones.
low-intensity electromagnetic fields, cosmophysical factors, solar and geomagnetic activity, heliogeophysical imprinting, mobile phone radiation, postnatal development
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