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The Role of Functional Status Components of Human Operators in Their Professional Activity in High Altitudes (Report 2). P. 56–66

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Almaz S. Shanazarov*, Marina Yu. Glushkova*, Shadiya Yu. Aysaeva*, Daniyal Sh. Chyngyshpaev*
*Institute of Mountain Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)


This paper assessed the effector and activation components of the functional status of vehicle operators of sensorimotor profile in high Tian Shan mountains (2800 and 3800 m above the sea level). We surveyed 72 heavy vehicle operators aged 25–40 years with at least 2 years’ working experience in the mountains and at least 5 years’ total working experience. They were divided into 2 groups: with high and low operational and functional levels. The operators’ qualities and their status were evaluated using the psychophysiological complex PFK-01, the Likert scale (mood, evaluation of success, motivation, level of wakefulness, and attitude to work) and the Lüscher colour test. Muscle strength and back endurance to steady-state force were measured using the hand (DRP-90) and back (DS-200) dynamometers. During the research, we found that as the altitude becomes higher and the climate harsher, the effector components in the workers undergo certain changes: muscle strength, endurance, capacity for work, and stability of the psychomotor function decline. These changes are more pronounced in operators with low functional level. When it comes to the indicators characterizing the activation components, operators with low operational and functional level showed greater emotional sensitivity, anxiety, and indifference to work. Operators with high operational and functional level made very few mistakes during the tests and had high values on the scales “mood”, “motivation” and “evaluation of success”.


human adaptation to high altitudes, operators of sensorimotor profile, functional status of human operator, efficiency of human operator’s activity, effector component of activity, activation component of activity, capacity for work, fatigue


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