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Correction of Periodontal Pocket Microbiota in Patients with Generalized Chronic Periodontitis with the Help of EHF-Therapy. P. 67–76
Section: Medical and biological sciences
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Vladimir V. Maslyakov*, Elena A. Pronina*, Yuliya V. Abakumova*, Anatoliy V. Il’yukhin*
*Reaviz Saratov Medical University (Saratov, Russian Federation)
This paper aimed to study the normalizing effect of extremely high frequencies (EHF) on the
microbiota in various forms of generalized chronic periodontitis. The research involved 160 patients with
generalized chronic periodontitis (mean age 30 years), who underwent complete medical examination,
including the microbiological analysis of the periodontal pocket contents. The research established that
a significant role in the pathogenesis of mild periodontitis is played by the stabilizing microbiota and the
aggressive part of the stabilizing microbiota, while in case of moderate periodontitis, by the aggressive part of the stabilizing microbiota. To improve the results of treatment and correction of oral microbiota,
we suggested using 10 sessions of EHF-therapy directed at the biologically active points on the face
(according to the method developed earlier). These frequencies stabilized the microbiota in patients
with moderate periodontitis on the 7th day of the therapy: the stabilizing microbiota accounted for 55 %,
the aggressive part of the stabilizing microbiota, for 40 %, and type 1 pathogens (Prevotella intermedia,
Bacteroides forsythus, Treponema denticola, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas
gingivalis), for 5 % of the total microbiota. In the control group, who did not receive EHF-therapy, the
stabilizing microbiota accounted for 35 %, the aggressive part of the stabilizing microbiota, for 45 %,
type 1 pathogens, for 12 %, and type 2 pathogens (Streptococcus intermedius and Actinomyces spp.),
for 8 % of the total microbiota. The total microbial count in the main group (after EHF-therapy) decreased
from 13.4 ± 1.6 to 9.4 ± 1.3, while in the control group, only to 11.1 ± 1.6. Patients with mild periodontitis
showed improvements as early as on the 5th day of therapy: the amount of stabilizing microbiota reached
75 %, the aggressive part of the stabilizing microbiota amounted to 21 %, and type 1 pathogens, to 4 %
(in the control group, the number of the microorganisms was 50, 36 and 14 %, respectively); the total
microbial count remained unchanged: 9.23 ± 1.2. Thus, the use of EHF-therapy in combination therapy
of generalized chronic periodontitis facilitates the restoration of oral microbiota.
generalized chronic periodontitis, extremely high frequencies, periodontal pocket microbiota, correction of oral microbiota
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