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Cytogenetic Abnormalities Induced in vitro in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Healthy People by Borrelia garinii Antigen. P. 77–84

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Al’bert G. Semenov*, Ekaterina N. Il’inskikh*, Nikolay N. Il’inskikh*
*Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk, Russian Federation)


It is known that some viruses and bacteria can be classified as biological mutagens. This paper aimed to characterize the different types of cytogenetic abnormalities induced in vitro by inactivated whole body Borrelia garinii antigen in peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of healthy people. Phytohemagglutininstimulated cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes were obtained from 13 healthy subjects uninfected with Lyme borreliosis to perform a chromosome analysis and study karyopathological and mitotic abnormalities. Inactivated whole body Borrelia garinii antigen was added to half of these cellular cultures, while the rest of the cultures remained intact. The research found that addition of the borrelia antigen to the lymphocyte cultures of healthy people induced a significant increase (as compared with the intact cultures) in the frequency of: structural chromosomal aberrations, with chromatid breaks and single fragments being predominant; cells with numerical cytogenetic abnormalities, such as hypoploidy or polyploidy; cells with various types of mitotic abnormalities, including chromosome lagging in mitosis, multigroup metaphases and multipolar mitosis; and cells with pathological nuclear morphology (binucleated and micronucleated cells). The detected cytogenetic abnormalities are similar to the chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of patients with acute Lyme borreliosis, which can indicate genome instability of these immunocompetent cells not only in vitro, but also in vivo.


Lyme borreliosis, chromosomal aberrations, aneuploidy, polyploidy, micronuclei, whole body antigen, Borrelia garinii


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