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Section: Medical and biological sciences Download (pdf, 2MB )UDC612.821+796.03AuthorsViktoriya V. Kal’sina*, Pavel G. Zaytsev**Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sport (Omsk, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Viktoriya Kal’sina, address: ul. Maslennikova 144, Omsk, 644009, Russian Federation; e-mail: victoria_vk@mail.ru AbstractModern sports for persons with musculoskeletal disorders are characterized by increased training load and severe competition. Thus, athletes should be not only well-trained but also able to manage their functional state under intense competition. Athletes with musculoskeletal disorders more than others need to restore their physical working capacity and mental performance. Self-regulation methods based on biofeedback are a modern, non-invasive and highly effective technology. This paper aimed to assess (by heart rate variability indices) the effect of a game biofeedback course on the psychofunctional characteristics in athletes with musculoskeletal disorders during the preparatory training phase. We applied BOS-Lab Professional+ software and hardware system and the game story “Rally” included in BOS-Pulse software and hardware system. Heart rate was recorded using the photoplethysmographic method; heart rate variability indices and psychophysiological reactions were measured. The efficiency criterion for the course of game biofeedback in athletes with musculoskeletal disorders was the presence of post-training effects confirmed during a comprehensive testing (assessment of chronobiological characteristics, self-assessment of one’s condition and fitness, assessment of emotional reactions). After the course of game biofeedback, athletes with musculoskeletal disorders showed milder maladaptive reactions and could better differentiate between fast and slow individuals; the foreground profile was complemented by activity drive; reaction rate to a moving object improved, as well as sleep, memory and creativity drive.Keywordsadaptive sports, athletes with musculoskeletal disorders, psychofunctional characteristics in athletes, game biofeedbackReferences1. Guvakova I.V., Dzhafarova O.A., Kuznetsova L.A., Tishkin D.I., Shtark M.B. Komp’yuternoe psikhofiziologicheskoe stress-testirovanie v podgotovke sportsmenov na baze shkoly vysshego sportivnogo masterstva [Computer-Aided Psychophysiological Stress Testing in Training of Athletes at the School of Outstanding Sporting Proficiency]. Bioupravlenie v meditsine i sporte [Biofeedback in Medicine and Sports]. Omsk, 2008, p. 81.2. Mar’yasova D.A. 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