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Section: Medical and biological sciences Download (pdf, 1.9MB )UDC612+577.118:796.355AuthorsSvetlana V. Notova*, Elena V. Kiyaeva*, Ol’ga V. Marshinskaya*, Tat’yana V. Kazakova*, Inara E. Laryushina**Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Ol’ga Marshinskaya, address: ul. Novaya 25/1, kv. 51, Orenburg, 460050, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractSport is associated with significant physical as well as nervous and emotional loads. High intensity training causes changes in the mineral balance of athletes. This problem is especially acute in adaptive sports, since athletes with disabilities are subjected to heavier loads. The paper aimed to study the mineral content of blood serum and hair in male sledge hockey players (n = 15) living in Orenburg (Russia). The mineral content of blood serum was compared to the reference values, while that of hair, to the population mean and to the values of the control group consisting of healthy non-athletes of the same age (n = 25). The ICP-AES and ICP-MS techniques were applied. In the serum we found increased levels of Fe and Zn in 46 % and 13 % of the athletes, respectively, as well as Mg deficiency in 26 % of the athletes. The analysis of hair showed significantly higher values of Na, K, P and Zn and lower values of Fe, Ca, I, Cr, Si in the athletes’ hair compared to the control group. The mineral profile, drawn up taking into account the frequency of abnormalities, showed Co and Se deficiency in the vast majority of the subjects, regardless of their level of physical activity. The detected deficiency of these minerals in the hair confirms earlier conducted research and reflects the biogeochemical conditions in that area. 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