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Mitogenic Response of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Patients with Lymphocytic Leukaemia. P. 165–173

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Evgeniya A. Sladkova*, Marina Yu. Skorkina*, Elena A. Shamray*
*Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Evgeniya Sladkova, address: ul. Pobedy 85, Belgorod, 308015, Russian Federation; e-mail:


This paper studied the effect of concanavalin A (ConA) and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) on the morphological and functional properties of lymphocytes in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). Mitogenic stimulation of cells was carried out with the purpose of creating a model of intensive proliferation of tumour cells. After that we studied the morphological and functional organization of the formed cell populations, which included microcytes, normocytes and blasts. Microcytes were a subpopulation of young lymphocytes formed as a result of the division of blast forms; normocytes were either the original cells not transformed into blasts or lymphocytes of a new subpopulation, namely grown microcytes. We used atomic force microscopy in the semi-contact scanning mode to study the geometric parameters and the surface relief of the blood cells. In the contact mode, Young’s modulus was measured, characterizing the elastic properties of the cell surface. In the Kelvin probe mode, the potential of lymphocyte surface was measured. Significant differences in the morphology of native and ConA- and PHA-stimulated lymphoblasts are shown. In the group of ALL patients, we observed a formation of large lymphoblasts under the influence of stimulation with ConA. However, in PHA-stimulated cell samples, the lymphoblast surface area was reduced against the background of an increase in volume. Changes in the surface relief were accompanied by an increase in size of invaginations of the lymphoblast membrane stimulated with ConA and an increase in size of globules on the cell surface stimulated with PHA. It was found that at differently directed changes in the surface potential under the influence of both mitogens, lymphoblast membranes in patients with ALL had higher stiffness, while those in patients with CLL had lower stiffness.


mitogen, atomic force microscopy, lymphocyte, proliferation, lymphoblastic leukaemia


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