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The Chemical Composition of Tap Water with Different Quality of Purification (Exemplified by the Cities of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area). P. 188–197

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Vladimir I. Korchin*, Larisa A. Minyaylo*, Tatʼyana Ya. Korchina*
*Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Vladimir Korchin, address: ul. Mira 40, Khanty-Mansiysk, 628011, Russian Federation; e-mail:


Drinking water is an indispensable source of vital chemical elements present in it in the form of easily absorbable bioavailable divalent ions. Along with food, water is one of the links in the food chain, through which chemical elements enter the human body. Thus, the chemical composition of natural drinking water is exclusive to a specific area and can be one of the determining factors of the mineral and trace element status of the human body. The chemical composition of tap water in the cities of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area was analysed using atomic absorption spectrometry: 100 samples from the cities of Surgut and Khanty-Mansiysk (with high-quality nonchemical purification of drinking water) and 100 samples from the cities of Nefteyugansk and Nyagan (with poor-quality purification and subsequent chlorination). The concentration of free residual chlorine was determined according to the Russian State Standard (GOST 18190–72) by titration with methyl orange. The results obtained were compared with the maximum acceptable concentrations according to the Russian Sanitary Rules and Regulations (SanPiN–01). Very low concentrations of such vital chemical elements as Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn and Se were determined in all drinking water samples of the area under study, irrespective of the purification method. In cities with poor-quality water purification, the values of Fe and Mn in most samples and Cl in 10 % of samples exceeded the maximum acceptable concentrations. Pronounced deficiency of such bioelements as Ca, Mg, Se, Cu and Zn in combination with high concentrations of Fe, Mn and Cl can be among the contributors to the high prevalence of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases as well as cancers. In order to prevent the development of conditions associated with mineral imbalance in drinking water, we recommend its countrywide nonchemical purification and enrichment with essential chemical elements, in particular, with Ca and Mg in the form of premixes.


northern region, drinking water, drinking water quality, tap water purification, chemical elements


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