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Section: Physiology Download (pdf, 2MB )UDC611.1+612.133:575.113AuthorsNatal’ya A. Bebyakova*, Natal’ya A. Fadeeva*, Anna V. Khromova**Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Natal’ya Bebyakova, address: prosp. Troitskiy 51, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractA number of studies have revealed a correlation between the genotype of -786T>C polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene, the level of nitric oxide (NO), and haemodynamic parameters. Such research involving women usually focused on pre- and postmenopausal subjects, which made it impossible to evaluate the role of a particular genotype of this polymorphism in the formation of cardiovascular risk factors in women of reproductive age. This paper aimed to reveal the influence of -786Т>C polymorphism of eNOS gene on haemodynamic parameters in apparently healthy women (n = 116) aged 18–22 years permanently living in the European North of Russia. During the follicular phase of the ovarian/menstrual cycle, genotyping of the eNOS gene was performed and haemodynamic parameters before and after graded physical exercises were determined, including the following: peripheral resistance (by the rheographic method), arterial blood pressure, heart rate, pulse pressure and average dynamic pressure, as well as NO and oestradiol levels. The statistical correlation between haemodynamic parameters and the genotype variant of the eNOS gene polymorphism under study was evaluated using Pearson’s χ2 test. In all of the subjects, the level of oestradiol was normal. The same NO level was revealed in women with different allelic variants of -786T>C polymorphism of eNOS gene. However, our analysis of haemodynamics indicates that the CC genotype of eNOS gene promoter (-786T>C) in young women predisposes them to the hypertonic type of cardiovascular system response to physical stress and makes them susceptible to peripheral vasospasm (higher peripheral resistance index) and higher levels of arterial (systolic, diastolic and pulse) pressure at rest, which in the future, with the lessening effect of oestrogens on the blood vessels, can lead to the development of arterial hypertension.KeywordseNOS gene polymorphism, nitric oxide, cardiovascular risk factors, peripheral resistanceReferences1. Smetnik V.P., Smetnik A.A. Zhenskie polovye gormony i serdechno-sosudistaya sistema [Female Sex Hormones and Cardiovascular System]. Meditsinskiy sovet, 2011, no. 3-4, pp. 40–45.2. Pustovetova M.G., Berezikova E.N., Shilov S.N., Kudlay O.A. 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