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Evaluation of the Psychofunctional State of Men Living in Western Siberia, Depending on the Nature of Their Occupation. P. 243–253

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Vladimir I. Korchin*, Yuliya S. Makaeva*, Tat’yana Ya. Korchina*
*Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy (Khanty-Mansiysk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Yuliya Makaeva, address: ul. Mira 40, Khanty-Mansiysk, 628011, Russian Federation; e-mail:


In the course of their work, motor vehicle drivers experience constant psychoemotional strain due to accidents and similar situations requiring from them an immediate assessment of incoming information within a strictly limited timeframe. Along with extreme climate and anthropogenic pollution, northern conditions contribute to the development of psychofunctional strain resulting in subsequent formation of oxidative stress. The research utilized the following 9 surveys: PSM-25 Lemyre-Tessier- Fillion scale, K. Schreiner’s scale, Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale, A. Leonova’s scale, and McLean’s scale, as well as questionnaires by V. Boiko, A. Rukavishnikova, T. Ivanchenko, A. Volkova, and N. Vodopyanova. We studied the parameters of psychoemotional strain in men who had lived in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug for more than 5 years. Out of 182 subjects, 94 were heavytruck drivers and 88 office workers. The mean age was 32.6±6.2 years. Statistically significantly higher rates of psychoemotional strain and exposure to stress in the group of drivers compared to the group of office workers (p = 0.042–0.002) were established. This is also confirmed by statistically significantly higher rates of symptoms of mental burnout in northern drivers (p = 0.04–0.002). At the same time, professional drivers were psychologically more resistant to extreme working conditions (p = 0.023) and demonstrated statistically significantly less formal interpersonal relationships (p = 0.037). The level of depression in office workers was almost independent of the duration of their service, while drivers showed a decreasing level of depression with time. In order to prevent emotional burnout, we recommend introducing rooms of mental rest and relaxation in motor depots and offering psychological counselling on work-related issues.


western Siberia, drivers, office workers, psychoemotional strain


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