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The Ratio of Sex Hormones in Male Pulp and Paper Mill Workers in Arkhangelsk, Depending on Their Age and Length of Service. P. 262–269

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Viktoriya A. Popkova*
*N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Viktoriya Popkova, address: prosp. Lomonosova 249, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation; e-mail:


The climatic and geographical conditions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation form a specific state of health and pathology requiring high adaptive potential, while the production factors of pulp and paper mills impose an even greater strain on the human body. Sufficient functional reserve allows the body to maintain homeostasis for a long time under unfavourable conditions of the production environment. However, a certain shift in the physiological parameters within the generally accepted normal range takes place, accompanied by a corresponding strain of the regulatory systems. Long-term combined effects of production factors provoke changes in the biochemical, immune and endocrine status of production workers. However, there is limited information available in literature on the state of the hormonal system in pulp and paper mill workers. In extreme living environments, the testosterone/ оestradiol ratio proves to be the most sensitive indicator of functional strain. This paper aimed to study the ratio of sex hormones in the blood serum of pulp and paper industry workers in Arkhangelsk and men of the control group, as well as its changes with age and length of service. The sample consisted of practically healthy men aged 22–50 years with a body mass index of 19–25 and without earlier history of endocrine pathology. The results of the tests showed that workers had a higher testosterone/оestradiol ratio compared to the control, the highest values being identified in the workers aged between 22 and 35 years compared to their peers from the control group. It is demonstrated that the testosterone/ оestradiol ratio decreases with age and length of service.


sex hormones, testosterone, оеstradiol, pulp and paper production, length of service, European North of Russia


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