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Comparative Analysis of the Structure of Arrhythmia in Adolescents Living in Surgut and Nizhnekamsk (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra). P. 295–301

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Section: Medical and biological sciences

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Galina N. Shipilova*, Ol’ga G. Litovchenko**, Elena G. Almazova**
*Surgut City Clinical Hospital no. 5 (Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Russian Federation)
**Surgut State University (Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Galina Shipilova, address: ul. Ostrovskogo 15, Surgut, 627400, Khanty-Mansiyskiy avtonomnyy okrug, Russian Federation; e-mail: shipilova/


The paper analyses the structure of sinus arrhythmia depending on the degree of manifestation in adolescents living in industrial cities of different climatic and geographical zones. Electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded in 202 practically healthy adolescents studying in various educational institutions of the city of Surgut. Measurements were taken in the morning hours at rest using Poly-Spectrum-8/ EX digital ECG system (Neurosoft, Ivanovo, Russia) in the middle of the academic year (November- December). The recorded values were compared with those presented in 2010 by M.V. Ozerov who had studied adolescents from Nizhnekamsk. Our examination of the adolescents living in Surgut revealed sinus arrhythmia of varying degrees in 100 % of cases. Moderate sinus arrhythmia prevailed, being identified in 65 % of boys and 67 % of girls from Surgut. In Nizhnekamsk, moderate sinus arrhythmia was observed in 45 % of boys and 48 % of girls aged 13 years and older. Pronounced sinus arrhythmia was detected in 33 % of girls and 32 % of boys from Surgut, and in 13 % of girls and 16 % of boys from Nizhnekamsk. Tachyarrhythmia was observed in 14 % of boys and 11% of girls living in Surgut and in 10 % of boys and 13 % of girls from Nizhnekamsk. Bradyarrhythmia was less frequent in adolescents living in Surgut (5 % of boys and 1 % of girls) than in those from Nizhnekamsk (30 % of boys and 21 % of girls). Thus, we revealed statistically significant differences in terms of incidence of bradyarrhythmia and moderate and pronounced arrhythmia in all of the examined groups of adolescents from Surgut and Nizhnekamsk.


residents of the mid-Ob region, sinus rhythm, structure of sinus arrhythmia


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