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Section: Physiology Download (pdf, 2.2MB )UDC575.17+575.1/.2:574.2AuthorsAleksey A. Artemenkov**Cherepovets State University (Cherepovets, Russian Federation) AbstractThis article studies the genetic and evolutionary significance of maladaptations that occur during a person’s life. The hypotheses formulated in the paper are considered in the context of D.K. Belyaev’s ideas about destabilizing selection that is based on the damaging mechanism of stress factors. It is shown that nowadays maladaptive states quite frequently develop in humans in the course of their daily life under the influence of risk factors. The article describes the role of oxytocin, corticosterone and glucocorticoids in the changes in animal behaviour during the selection process. In addition, new data is provided on the molecular-genetic markers of physiological and biochemical states of the human body, as well as on the genetic polymorphism of populations and on the changes in allele frequencies in the course of mutation. Further, the paper touches upon the social impact of increased aggressiveness in humans and the need for new measures in order to reduce it. In addition, the article covers the effect of environmental pollution on the occurrence of hereditary changes in the population of ecologically disadvantaged regions, leading to reproductive disorders and emotional maladaptation in those exposed to adverse environmental factors. Thus, it is pointed out that the impact of foreign substances on the human body needs to be reduced. At the same time, the article provides data on the role of maladaptation in the evolutionary process. It is suggested that maladaptation can be an evolutionary factor along with natural selection, genetic drift, and isolation. As noted in the paper, maladaptation, being potentiated by unfavourable environmental factors, disrupts the genetic structure of populations and thus directly affects natural selection. A hypothesis is suggested that there can be a selection mechanism in populations on the basis of maladaptation. In conclusion, the author outlines the prospects of studying maladaptive disorders for elucidating the genetic and evolutionary mechanisms taking place in human populations.Keywordsacademician D.K. Belyaev, domestication, aggressive behaviour, destabilizing selection, maladaptation, habitat, population genetics, evolutionReferences1. Shumnyy V.K. K 100-letiyu vydayushchegosya genetika-evolyutsionista akademika Dmitriya Konstantinovicha Belyaeva [To the Centenary of the Birth of Outstanding Evolutionist Dmitri Konstantinovich Belyaev]. Vavilovskiy zhurnal genetiki i selektsii, 2017, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 387–391. DOI: 10.18699/VJ17.2562. Zakharov I.K., Gerbek Yu.E., Trapezov O.V. 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