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Factor Structure of Ecological Adaptedness of Cerebral Energy Metabolism in Young People Living in the Arctic Region. P. 340–347

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Irina S. Kozhevnikova*/**, Natal’ya Yu. Anikina**, Tat’yana V. Volokitina*, Ol’ga N. Kottsova*, Anatoliy V. Gribanov*/**, Mikhail N. Pankov*/**
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
**Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)


People living under harsh environmental conditions of the Arctic region experience extra functional loads on the body, forming a new state: ecological adaptedness. Activation of cold receptors and excitation of thermoregulation centres intensify energy exchange in the central nervous system. However, there is currently no data available on the changes in the energy state of the brain during adaptation to the climatic and geographical conditions of the Arctic region, either for permanent residents or newcomers. Of particular interest is data on central energy metabolism in young people permanently living in the Arctic region as a manifestation of their ecological adaptedness. Based on this, the purpose of our study was to determine the structure of ecological adaptedness of energy metabolism of the brain in young people born and living in the Arctic region of Russia. Cerebral energy processes were evaluated based on the distribution of DC potential level (DCPL), which was recorded using the Neuro-KM hardware and software complex. DCPL was analysed by mapping the values of DC potential obtained by unipolar measurement and calculating the deviations of DC potential in each lead from the values recorded over all areas of the head, as well as calculating the difference between unipolarly recorded DCPL values (DCPL gradient). Using factor analysis with Varimax-rotation, we assessed the relationship between the parameters of energy supply to the brain. The analysis showed that the mechanisms for achieving adaptedness of energy metabolism differ between young men and women living in the Arctic region. In men, adaptedness of neurophysiological mechanisms is manifested in a close interaction between the cortex and the subcortical structures, with active involvement of the left hemisphere. In girls, however, adaptedness is manifested in centralization of regulatory processes, with active involvement of the right hemisphere.


Arctic region, young people of working age, adaptation to climatic and geographical conditions, ecological adaptedness, cerebral energy metabolism, DC potential level


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