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The Effect of Two-Level Non-Invasive CNS Stimulation on the Regulation of Human Locomotion at Various Values of Support Afferentation. P. 367–375

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Sergey A. Moiseev*, Aleksandr M. Pukhov*, Sergey M. Ivanov*, Elena A. Pivovarova,* Valeriya V. Markevich*, Ruslan M. Gorodnichev*
*Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports (Velikie Luki, Russian Federation)


One of the important issues of physiology is finding the means of controlling the coordination structure of voluntary movements. Alongside with traditional control methods, non-traditional ones are used, such as stimulation of various structures of the nervous system. This paper aimed to study the regulation mechanisms of voluntary locomotor movements under spinal cord and motor cortex stimulation at various afferentation values. It was assumed that the effect of simultaneous two-level central nervous system stimulation on the motor output depends on the degree of body weight support (BWS). The study involved six male subjects aged 19–23 years. Kinematic and electromyographic parameters of voluntary locomotions were recorded under transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation at T11-T12 vertebrae and transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex at various degrees of BWS (50 %, 25 % and 0 %). We found a statistically significant increase in amplitude and frequency of thigh muscles electromyogram turns during two-level stimulation, compared to baseline. An increase in speed and acceleration of anthropometric points of body segments was detected, with simultaneous reduction in step phase duration. A more significant increase in amplitude and frequency of thigh muscles turns was observed at 25 % and 0 % BWS. The greatest increase in speed and acceleration of step movements was also revealed at 25 % BWS. Thus, motor output modification during voluntary locomotions under simultaneous spinal cord and motor cortex stimulation depends on the values of support afferentation.


electromyography, 3D video analysis, locomotion, coordination structure of locomotions, electrical spinal cord stimulation, electromagnetic brain stimulation, support afferentation


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