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Influence of Typological Features of Higher Nervous Activity and Sex on the Progression of Cerebral Hypoperfusion in Rats in Experiment. P. 397–406

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Section: Medical and biological sciences




Vladimir V. Krishtop*, Ol’ga A. Pakhrova*, Tat’yana A. Rumyantseva**
*Ivanovo State Medical Academy (Ivanovo, Russian Federation)
**Yaroslavl State Medical University (Yaroslavl, Russian Federation)


The dynamics of mortality and neurological deficit in cerebral hypoperfusion was analysed in 197 rats divided into groups according to sex, level of stress tolerance (open field test) and level of development of cognitive functions using the Morris water navigation task. Chronic cerebral hypoxia was modelled by permanent bilateral occlusion of carotid arteries. The proportion of deaths was determined during four weeks after the operation. Neurological deficit in the surviving animals was assessed using the McGraw Stroke Index Scale and the Garcia Test. It was found that high mortality in rats in the acute period is associated with a high initial level of development of cognitive functions and low stress tolerance. In later periods, animals with a high level of development of cognitive processes showed a second peak of mortality on days 8–28 after the operation. Neurological deficit was more pronounced in the groups of males and stress-intolerant animals. In the group of rats with a high level of cognitive abilities, significantly more pronounced neurological disorders were detected only in the Garcia Test on the first day of the experiment. The following factors were associated with a high level of neurological deficit on the 6th day of the experiment: male sex and low stress tolerance. Having compared the results of the aforementioned neurological tests, we found that cerebral hypoperfusion is accompanied by a more pronounced damage to motor structures in the groups of females and stress-intolerant rats, and to sensory structures in the groups of males and rats with a low level of development of cognitive processes.


mortality, neurological deficit, sex, stress tolerance, cognitive functions, cerebral hypoperfusion
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