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Section: Medical and biological sciences Download (pdf, 3.6MB )UDC611.814.2-018-053.6/9AuthorsYuriy G. Solonin*, Tat’yana P. Loginova*, Aleksandr L. Markov*, Aleksey A. Chernykh*, Igor’ O. Garnov**Institute of Physiology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar, Russian Federation) AbstractTo explore possible physiological effects of high latitudes in highly trained northern athletes, we examined professional cross-country skiers of the Komi Republic team, living in the Far North regions (“northerners”, n = 20) and in the southern part of the Republic (“southerners”, n = 24). The study was conducted both at rest and during the bicycle ergometer test to exhaustion. Cardiorespiratory parameters were recorded using the Oxycon Pro system. No significant differences were identified between the groups at rest. At 200 W load, “northerners” showed significantly higher heart rate and systolic blood pressure, as well as pulse cost and pressure cost of physical load; while the performance of the cardiorespiratory system (according to oxygen pulse) decreased. At maximal load during test to exhaustion, “southerners” showed greater changes in heart rate, respiratory minute volume, oxygen consumption and expenditure, as well as higher respiratory cost per unit of physical load, while “northerners” had higher pulse cost and pressure cost per unit of physical load. At the same time, “southerners” performed more physical work during the test, endured greater physical loads and demonstrated statistically significantly higher maximal oxygen consumption (MOC), higher MOC/kg body mass, and higher anaerobic threshold. The research found that among “southerners” the respiratory type of adaptation prevails, relying primarily on the resources of external respiration, while in “northerners” a greater role is played by the circulatory type of adaptation, making use of the circulatory system resources. We concluded that the latitudinal factor shows its effects in highly trained northern athletes even when the difference in latitudes is just about 4 degrees.Keywordslatitudinal factor, North, cross-country skiers, bicycle ergometer test, cardiorespiratory system, physiological cost of physical work, maximal oxygen consumption, anaerobic thresholdReferences1. Solonin Yu.G. Gemodinamika, vynoslivost’ i psikhomotorika u zhiteley raznykh shirot v kontrastnye periody goda [Haemodynamics, Endurance and Psychomotor Activity in People Living in Different Latitudes in Contrasting Seasons]. Fiziologiya cheloveka, 1996, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 113–117.2. Rich D.Q., Gaziano J.M., Kurth T. 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