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Cellular Composition of White Blood Cells in Rats Under Physical Loads of Different Intensity. P. 23–31

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Lidiya Yu. Rubtsova*, Nikolay P. Mongalev*, Vera D. Shadrina*, Aleksey A. Chernykh*, Nadezhda A. Vakhnina*, Irina A. Makarova*, Anastasiya M. Romanova*, Nadezhda Zh. Alisultanova*, Tat’yana F. Vasilenko*, Evgeniy R. Boyko*
*Institute of Physiology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar, Russian Federation)


An intense physical load activating the adaptive mechanisms of the human or animal body can be functionally inadequate in relation to the cellular component of the immune system. A key element in assessing the adaptive immune response is revealing the nature of redistribution of the subpopulation composition of white blood cells, whose morphological variability under new environmental conditions remains insufficiently studied. Therefore, this paper analysed the cellular composition of white blood cells in rats in a swimming test to exhaustion with the aim to determine the optimal level of action of muscular loads of different intensity. We studied the dynamics of the cellular composition of white blood cells in Wistar rats at rest and under physical loads of different intensity (sitting in the water, free swimming and swimming with a weight). We found a decrease in the number of large lymphocytes and an increase in the number of small and microlymphocytes in rats sitting in the water. Further, we observed an increase in the number of large lymphocytes and a decrease in the number of small lymphocytes in rats swimming with a weight of 8 % of their body weight, compared with the control group. With growing intensity of the load, the number of young and stab neutrophils in the blood increased, while the changes in the number of smudge cells corresponded to the dynamics of the ratio between lymphoid and myeloid cells. This research can be used to find the optimal effect of physical loads on the animal body. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion was made that free swimming and swimming with a weight of 8 % of their body weight caused no stress reaction in rats. This can be used to assess the adequacy of the immune response in animals under physical loads.


rats, lymphocytes, neutrophils, smudge cells, physical load, stress reaction


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