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The Effect of Peroxidation Processes in Platelets on Haemostasis Under Exposure to Hydrogen Sulphide-Containing Gas. P. 40–48

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Ekaterina V. Golubkina*, Oksana S. Dyukareva*, Nikolay N. Trizno*, Larisa A. Udochkina*, Matvey N. Trizno*
*Astrakhan State Medical University (Astrakhan, Russian Federation)


This research aimed to describe the mechanism of damage to haemostatic components and antioxidant enzymes caused by chronic exposure to hydrogen sulphide-containing gas (HSG) from the Astrakhan gas field and evaluate the effects of applied correction. The following indicators of the haemostatic system in 59 white laboratory rats were studied: number of platelets and their induced aggregation, clotting time, content of soluble fibrin monomer complexes (SFMC) and D-dimer, time of Hageman-dependent euglobulin lysis, as well as activity of factor VIII and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Platelet lipid peroxidation was determined by the level of malondialdehyde and diene conjugates in platelets. Antioxidant protection was studied by the activity of platelet catalase and superoxide dismutase. Blood was taken from the abdominal aorta (pars abdominalis aortae). The animals were divided into 4 groups: 1) control (n = 12); 2) group exposed to HSG (n = 19); 3) group exposed to HSG with subsequent administration of Dipyridamole (n = 14); 4) group exposed to HSG with correction by thrombin inhibitor DNA aptamer (RE-31) (n = 14). The mode of exposure to HSG with 70±2.34 mg/m3 concentration of hydrogen sulphide was as follows: 4 hours a day x 5 days a week x 4 months. It was found that by the fourth month of HSG inhalation, procoagulant potential of blood plasma increased, creating conditions for thrombosis. Dipyridamole decreased platelet aggregation capacity as well as the level of malondialdehyde and diene conjugates. Aptamer increased the overall clotting time, lowered the level of SFMC, D-dimer, factor VIII and PAI-1. The positive effects of the applied correction indicate activation of lipid peroxidation and its correlation with increased aggregate capacity of platelets under chronic exposure to HSG.


haemostatic system, thrombin, platelet, hydrogen sulphide-containing gas, DNA aptamer, thrombin inhibitor, Dipyridamole


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