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Section: Medical and biological sciences Download (pdf, 2.7MB )UDC612.76+004.5DOI10.17238/issn2542-1298.2019.7.1.56AuthorsYaroslav A. Turovskiy*/**, Konstantin I. Fisenko*/**, Aleksandr V. Mamaev*/***Voronezh State University (Voronezh, Russian Federation) **V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation) AbstractA laboratory myoelectric prosthesis set was created for our experiment in order to solve a number of tasks concerning localization of signals received through the prosthesis–user feedback channel. Electrovibration motor was chosen as the basis for the tactile stimulator. The system’s software and hardware complex allows one to localize the signal source and identify simultaneous activity of several sensors. The research involved 30 subjects (22 men and 8 women) aged between 18 and 28 years. A tactile feedback device, which is a cuff with sources of vibratory stimulation, was placed on the subject’s arm. Further, the subject was trained and then performed the tests. During each test the subject, on his/her own, localized the region with active tactile sensors. Based on the results, we assessed task performance taking into consideration the stage of the experiment. We identified a correlation between the correct localization of active sensors by the user and the placement of the relevant block of vibratory stimuli on his/her forearm. The best results were achieved with distal vibratory stimulators. A model of perceived location of vibratory stimulators was constructed, demonstrating their grouping in the space of the user’s perceived distances. The obtained data about the location of vibratory stimulators of the tactile feedback system on the forearm and in the user’s perceived space can be applied in designing feedback systems for upper limb prostheses as well as in developing exoskeletons and other patient rehabilitation systems. In addition, the results can help to optimize the location of both tactile sensors on the surface of the myoelectric prosthesis and vibratory stimulators on the surface of the user’s forearm.Keywordsmyoelectric prostheses, tactile feedback, human–computer interfaceReferences1. Gurfinkel’ V.S., Malkin V.B., Tsetlin M.L., Shneyder A.Yu. Bioelektricheskoe upravlenie [Bioelectric Control]. Moscow, 1972. 243 p.2. Slavutskiy Ya.L. Fiziologicheskie aspekty bioelektricheskogo upravleniya protezami [Physiological Aspects of Bioelectric Control of Prostheses]. Moscow, 1982. 288 p. 3. Gurfinkel’ V.S., Levik Yu.S. Sistemy otscheta i interpretatsiya propriotseptivnykh signalov [Reference Systems and Interpretation of Proprioceptive Signals]. Fiziologiya cheloveka, 1998, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 53–63. 4. Botalov V.S. Analiz sovremennogo sostoyaniya rossiyskogo rynka protezov nizhnikh konechnostey [Analysis of the Current State of the Russian Market of Lower Limb Prostheses]. VUZ i real’nyy biznes [University and Real Business]. Perm, 2017, pp. 9–16. 5. Pys’ I.S., Persiyanova A.V., Mityaev A.M. Bionicheskiy protez ruki [Bionic Hand]. Nauka i innovatsii v XXI veke: aktual’nye voprosy, otkrytiya i dostizheniya [Science and Innovations in the 21st Century: Current Issues, Discoveries and Achievements]. Pt. 1. Penza, 2017, pp. 206–208. 6. Freire F.R., Tobar L.M., Chadrina O. Prótesis Robótica Controlada Mediante Señales Mioeléctricas. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2013, no. 6-2, pp. 84–88. 7. Bark K., Hyman E., Tan F., Cha E., Jax S.A., Buxbaum L.J., Kuchenbecker K.J. Effects of Vibrotactile Feedback on Human Learning of Arm Motions. IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., 2015, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 51–63. 8. Alaytsev I.K., Afonina O.I., Danilova T.V., Ermakov I.Yu., Kuchmin V.N., Manturov A.O., Mareev G.O., Mareev O.V. Ustroystvo vvoda s taktil’noy obratnoy svyaz’yu s dopolnitel’nymi stepenyami svobody [Haptic Device with Extended Input Degree of Freedom]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy vestnik Povolzh’ya, 2016, no. 6, pp. 102–104. 9. Diane S.A.K. Povyshenie effektivnosti zakhvata i klassifikatsii predmetov s ispol’zovaniem taktil’noy obratnoy svyazi [Gripping Function Improvement and Classification of Captured Objects Using Tactile Feedback]. Tolok A.V. (ed.). Sistemy proektirovaniya, tekhnologicheskoy podgotovki proizvodstva i upravleniya etapami zhiznennogo tsikla promyshlennogo produkta [Design Systems, Technological Preparation of Production and Product Life Cycle Management]. Moscow, 2017, pp. 102–106. 10. Turovskiy Ya.A., Glushchenko A.S., Rybalkin E.A., Pikalov V.V. Otsenka osvoeniya “propriotseptivno”- taktil’nogo kanala obratnoy svyazi protezov verkhnikh konechnostey [Evaluation of the Efficiency of Proprioceptive Feedback Channel Development for Myoelectric Upper Limb Prostheses]. Sensornye sistemy, 2017, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 322–330. |
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