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Section: Reviews and Bibliography Download (pdf, 2.3MB )UDC[612.79+612.882](045)DOI10.17238/issn2542-1298.2019.7.1.92AuthorsAleksey A. Medvedev*, Lyudmila V. Sokolova**Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation) AbstractThermoreceptor function of the human body helps to maintain optimal body temperature, which is highly important for the normal course of all physiological processes. The key element in the system of temperature perception are receptors located in the skin and internal organs and responding to changes in the temperature of the environment. This article covers the development of the ideas about the work of the human thermosensory system: from the moment of its discovery and morphological description to the study of its molecular structure. In addition, the paper describes the mechanisms beyond the activity of temperature receptors forming polymodal receptive fields in different areas of the skin surface. Further, the physiological role of receptors located in different parts of the body is shown. The authors emphasize that modern classification of thermoreceptors is based not only on the sensitivity to changes in temperature, but also on the differences in their molecular structure; in particular, this applies to receptors of TRPA, TRPV and TRPM families. The paper provides data obtained by Russian and foreign authors on the functioning of receptors under different environmental conditions: at low and elevated temperatures, in normobaric hypoxia, as well as under the influence of various internal physiological factors such as sex, age, and others. It is shown that a change in temperature can directly affect the conformation and structure of biological macromolecules, e.g. proteins that are part of cell membranes and cause their permeability to various ions forming membrane potential. Further, the article dwells on the studies into the genetic aspects of functioning of thermoreceptors. It is assumed that encoding of information about the structure of ion channels is determined by different polymorphic gene variants. The authors emphasize the importance of studying the genetic basis of temperature sensitivity in different human populations that are initially adapted to different temperatures. New insights into this issue could significantly deepen our understanding of the mechanisms triggering human adaptation to changes in temperature.Keywordstemperature sensitivity, thermoreceptors, ion channels, receptor adaptation, receptive fieldsReferences1. Filingeri D. Neurophysiology of Skin Thermal Sensations. Compr. Physiol., 2016, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1279–1294.2. Zotterman Y. Special Senses: Thermal Receptors. Annu. Rev. Physiol., 1953, no. 15, pp. 357–372. 3. Cain D.M., Khasabov S.G., Simone D.A. Response Properties of Mechanoreceptors and Nociceptors in Mouse Glabrous Skin: An in vivo Study. J. Neurophysiol., 2001, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 1561–1574. 4. 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