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Distribution of Cerebral Energy Processes in Young People Permanently Living in the Arctic Region. P. 118–123

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Anatoliy V. Gribanov*/**, Natal’ya Yu. Anikina**, Ol’ga N. Kottsova*
*Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
**Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)


Cerebral energy exchange was studied in young people living in the Arctic region using the 12-channel Neuro-KM hardware and software complex. We found that energy exchange in the brain is characterized by functional asymmetry of cerebral energy processes with right hemisphere dominance and pronounced values of DC potential. Factor analysis showed the relationship between the parameters of energy supply to the brain. The first factor is represented by the distribution of energy processes in the occipital regions of the brain; the second factor indicates distribution of energy processes in the right frontal portion of the brain; while the third factor characterizes interhemispheric interaction. The presented neurophysiological features of the distribution of energy processes are a manifestation of successful adaptation.


Arctic region, young people, brain, DC potential level, cerebral energy processes, successful adaptation, ecological adaptedness


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