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Antiulcer Effects of the Mineral Fraction of Sulphide Silt Peloids of Lake Large Yashaltinskoye in Experimental Ulcerogenesis in Rats. P. 131–139

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Kermen E. Badmaeva*, David L. Teplyy*, Saglar E. Badmaeva*, Nadezhda N. Abushinova*
*Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov (Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Saglar Badmaeva, address: ul. Pushkina 11, Elista, 358000, Respublika Kalmykiya, Russian Federation; e-mail:


Natural peloids have long been known for their positive effect in treating various gastrointestinal diseases, including those of inflammatory nature. At the same time, it remains unclear which peloid components have that marked antiulcer effect, as their action is often attributed to a whole set of factors triggered when applying peloids to the epigastrium: temperature, pressure, chemical substances penetrating the skin barrier, etc. This paper studied the effect of the mineral component of sulphide silt peloids from Lake Large Yashaltinskoye (Republic of Kalmykia, Russia) on the homeostasis of gastric mucosa in experimental acetic ulcerogenesis. The study involved male albino rats with an average weight of 200–225 g. The animals were divided into two groups: control and experimental. After the induction of ulcers, the former received 1 ml/200 g normal saline (0.9 %), while the latter were given an equivalent volume of mineral fraction isolated from sulphide silt peloids. Ulcers were induced by application of glacial acetic acid on the serous surface of rat stomach according to the method of Okabe. Histological and cytological examination of ulcers was performed. The level of free radical oxidation was determined by the rate of lipid peroxidation in tissue homogenates. Further, the level of malondialdehyde and blood catalase activity were evaluated. The mineral fraction of peloids was shown to prevent significant development of acetic acid ulcers (the protective antiulcer effect amounted to 48 %) as well as contribute to their faster healing (the therapeutic antiulcer effect reached 53 %). It is possible that the antiulcer effect of the fraction under study is associated with its ability to reduce the degree of inflammation during ulcer development and influence free radical homeostasis, reducing the formation of lipid peroxidation products and activating antioxidant enzymes.


mineral fraction of peloids, ulcer disease, peloid antiulcer action, free radical homeostasis, acetic acid ulcer model


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