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Section: Physiology Download (pdf, 2.4MB )UDC612.017-053.5DOI10.17238/issn2542-1298.2019.7.2.161AuthorsLyudmila B. Masnavieva*, Irina V. Kudaeva**East-Siberian Institution of Medical and Ecological Research (Angarsk, Irkutsk Region, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Lyudmila Masnavieva, address: mkr. 12-a, 3, Angarsk, 665827, Irkutskaya obl., Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractThe development of adaptive and maladaptive reactions in the body is accompanied by redistribution of leukocyte subpopulations, changes in the activity of metabolic processes and apoptosis in organs and systems, influencing the levels of specific autoantibodies long before a possible manifestation of the disease. This study aimed to examine the relationship between immunoreactivity of specific antibodies, blood cytokine levels and adaptive reactions in 269 adolescent living in industrial cities. The serum levels of interleukin-2 and -10, interferon-alpha and -gamma, as well as relative values of specific autoantibodies, reflecting the state of the immune system, were measured. Adaptive reactions of the body were evaluated using the method devised by L.Kh. Garkavi. Group I included adolescents with the level of antibodies within the reference values; group II was comprised of individuals with the content of antibodies above and below normal. We identified non-linear dependence of immunoreactivity of specific autoantibodies on the content of interleukin-10 and interferon-gamma. The range of nonspecific adaptive reactions in the blood included all types of reactions, the most frequent being quiet activation and training. The reactions of stress and reactivation were found in less than 10 % of cases for each of the states. Low levels of reactivity were identified in more than 60 % of cases, while high levels occurred in less than 8 % of cases. High levels of reactivity in adolescents with concentrations of autoantibodies within the reference levels were observed half as often as in the group with high/low content of antibodies. The state of disease was identified in both groups in more than 60 % of cases. In group II, one in three adolescents were in the premorbid state, while in group I the share of such cases was significantly lower and amounted to 13 %. Changes in the blood levels of autoantibodies and adaptive reactions can be considered as markers for early detection of pathological processes as well as for assessment of therapeutic and preventive measures aimed to maintain the health of individuals.Keywordsspecific autoantibodies, cytokines, adolescents, adaptive reactionsReferences1. Garkavi L.Kh. Aktivatsionnaya terapiya. Antistressornye reaktsii aktivatsii i trenirovki i ikh ispol’zovanie dlya ozdorovleniya, profilaktiki i lecheniya [Activation Therapy. 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