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Regulation of Autonomic Functions by Paralympians During a Course of Game Biofeedback. P. 195–204

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Viktoriya V. Kal’sina*
*Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sport (Omsk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Viktoriya Kal’sina, address: ul. Maslennikova 144, Omsk, 644009, Russian Federation; e-mail:


Maximum use of the body’s functional resources to achieve a certain result in sports without producing a negative impact on health is an important task of medical and biological support of sports activities. Athletes with musculoskeletal disorders (Paralympians) represent a special category; many of them have some specific features of the autonomic nervous system due to a primary condition. Therefore, it is of particular importance to search for methods and technologies able to improve their autonomic regulation. Self-regulation methods based on biofeedback are a modern, non-invasive and highly effective technology. This research aimed to identify special features of the regulation of autonomic functions by Paralympians during a course of game biofeedback. We applied BOS-Lab Professional+ software and hardware system and the game story “Rally” included in BOS-Pulse software and hardware system. Heart rate was recorded using the photoplethysmographic method; heart rate variability (HRV) indices were measured. We found that successful control of the duration of ECG intervals in athletes with cerebral palsy, athletes with limb amputations and healthy athletes is ensured by different components of autonomic regulation. Paralympians demonstrated an increase in the total power of HRV spectrum and greater activity of the suprasegmental mechanisms of autonomic regulation. At the same time, athletes with cerebral palsy showed a reduction in intensity of high-frequency oscillations of HRV, while athletes with limb amputations showed a decrease in the sympathetic effects on heart rhythm and an increase in parasympathicotonia. The strategy of achieving success in game biofeedback by Paralympians is undulatory, with a long “warming up” period in the first half of the course, a rapid percentage growth in the success rate of control of the duration of ECG intervals in the middle of the course and a decrease in that success rate by the end of the course.


autonomic regulation, adaptive sports, Paralympians, body’s functional resources, game biofeedback


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