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Studies on Latitude Physiology (Review). P. 228–239

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Yuriy G. Solonin*/**
*Institute of Physiology of Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FRC Komi SC UB RAS (Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russian Federation)
**Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University (Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Yuriy Solonin, address: ul. Pervomayskaya 50, Syktyvkar, 167982, Respublika Komi, Russian Federation; e-mail:


This paper aimed to analyse the current understanding of the latitude effects on humans as presented in Russian and foreign literature. Foreign studies are sporadic and mostly devoted to the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the metabolism of certain vitamins (B12, D, etc.). In Russian literature the latitudinal factor is studied more extensively. Scientific interest in this problem was first sparked by the works of G.M. Danishevsky and I.S. Kandror dealing with the effects of the North and the Far North on the human body. A number of studies have shown that in cold climate the physiological cost of work increases significantly; northerners have, compared with residents of Central Russia, higher morbidity and mortality, which confirms the existence of the geographical latitude syndrome. The latitudinal factor has been found to affect the physiological status and health both in permanent residents of different latitudes and in those who move from one latitude to another. The majority of studies on latitude physiology have been performed in the Komi Republic, located in the European North of Russia. The effects of the latitudinal factor are observed in different sex and age groups (from 9 to 73 years), in both working and nonworking residents, in both large population samples and small experimental groups (participants of Mars-500 project, professional cross-country skiers, etc.), in both urban and rural dwellers, among different nationalities, in both elite athletes and untrained people, both in comparatively large geographical zones (10–20° or more difference in latitude) and at the local level with small differences in latitude (5° or less).


latitudinal factor, North, human, physiological status, health


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41. Solonin Yu.G., Loginova T.P., Chernykh A.A., Garnov I.O., Markov A.L., Parshukova O.I., Prosheva V.I., Potolitsyna N.N., Boyko E.R. Vliyanie shirotnogo faktora na organizm lyzhnikov Respubliki Komi [Influence of Latitudinal Factor on Ski Runners of the Komi Republic]. Izvestiya Komi nauchnogo tsentra Ural’skogo otdeleniya RAN, 2018, no. 4, pp. 19–24.

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