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Section: Physiology Download (pdf, 2.6MB )UDC[612.014+612.112]:576.385DOI10.17238/issn2542-1298.2019.7.3.272AuthorsEvgeniya A. Sladkova*, Elena A. Shamray*, Aleksandra Yu. Tishchenko*, Marina Yu. Skorkina**Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Evgeniya Sladkova, address: ul. Pobedy 85, Belgorod, 308015, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractIt is of particular interest to study the role of purinergic signalling of blood cells in cases of disturbed physiological regeneration, such as inflammatory processes and ageing. For leukocytes to realize their immune responses properly, the functional state of their plasma membrane is important, its main characteristics being stiffness, surface potential and strength of intercellular adhesion. To activate the elements of the purinergic signalling system, we applied a model of mechanical stress in vitro. Erythrocyte functional properties were studied using the methods of atomic force microscopy, namely, tapping mode and force spectroscopy, as well as tests for leukocyte migration activity. At simulated mechanical cell deformation, the level of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the blood increased by the factor of 2.3 as compared with the control. The cell surface charge and granulocyte stiffness decreased. Lymphocyte stiffness increased, while their surface potential became more negative, compared to the control. Granulocyte migration activity increased significantly. Moreover, a greater strength of adhesion between erythrocytes and leukocytes was detected. Thus, the findings indicate that the ATP molecule and its derivatives can affect leukocyte functional properties through auto- and paracrine regulation. The obtained experimental data expand the existing knowledge about the mechanisms of intercellular interaction between granulocytes and lymphocytes in the peripheral vessels, which can be of use when correcting abnormal immune response at ageing.Keywordspurinergic signalling system, blood cells, surface potential, Young’s modulus, adhesive strength, migration activity, ageingReferences1. Burnstock G. Purinergic Signalling. Br. J. Pharmacol., 2006, vol. 147, suppl. 1, pp. S172–S181.2. Burnstock G. Purinergic Signalling: Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Potential. Keio J. Med., 2013, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 63–73. 3. Kovalenko S.S., Yusipovich A.I., Parshina E.Yu., Maksimov G.V. Role of Purinergic Receptors of Erythrocytes in the Regulation of Conformation and Oxygen- and NO-Transporting Capacity of Hemoglobin. Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., 2015, vol. 159, no. 2, pp. 213–216. 4. Wang L., Olivercrona G., Götberg M., Olsson M.L., Sörhede Winzell M., Erlinge D. 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