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Section: Physiology Download (pdf, 2.6MB )UDC612.76:616-053.35DOI10.17238/issn2542-1298.2019.7.3.290AuthorsEvgeniya A. Tomilova*, Svetlana N. Gordiychuk**Tyumen State Medical University (Tyumen, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Evgeniya Tomilova, address: ul. Odesskaya 54, Tyumen, 625023, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractAll physiological functions in the body one way or another relate to its size; some of them, however, change in the course of ontogenesis in proportion to weight changes. Indicators of physical development of a newborn child are quite variable. For example, variability of body mass indicators can be explained by a number of reasons: physiological weight loss in the early and gain in weight and height in the late neonatal period. Currently, a quantitative assessment of human physical development is performed using specially developed standards, i.e. centile tables, which are the results of an anthropometric survey of large groups of the population. Given that growth and development processes are influenced by various external factors, these standards should be updated regularly. Thus, developmental physiology and paediatrics require studying anthropometric indicators at different stages of ontogenesis, with new individual typological approaches growing in importance. The methodological basis of this research is the concept of typological variability of physiological individuality (V.V. Kolpakov and coauthors). Longitudinal studies have proven that the level of habitual motor activity is a stable individual characteristic in both males and females at different stages of ontogenesis: preschool, primary school, young, middle and old age. We applied Kolpakov’s concept to study spontaneous motor activity and establish individual typological features of anthropometric indicators in newborn children of the city of Tyumen (n = 137). 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