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Morphofunctional Parameters of Adolescents of Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the North from Various Natural Climatic Zones. P. 389–398

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A.A. Kuzhuget* ORCID: 0000-0002-5251-9352
I.V. Trusey*/** ORCID:0000-0003-4831-9101
T.V. Kolpakova*,
V.I. Kirko*/*** ORCID: 0000-0002-5638-7940
*Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)
**Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)
***Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Artysh Kuzhuget, address: ul. Ady Lebedevoy 89, Krasnoyarsk, 660060, Russian Federation; e-mail:


This paper compares the morphofunctional parameters of 14–16-year-old adolescents of the indigenous peoples of the North of Russia living in different climatic zones: tundra (Dudinka, Krasnoyarsk Territory) and forest-tundra (Neryungri, Sakha Republic). In general, it was found that adolescents from Dudinka have a heavier build and higher Ketle index than their peers from Neryungri: by 5.14 % for girls and by 4.42 % for boys. We observed an increase in the share of reserve fat in adolescents from Dudinka (p < 0.05) compared with the residents of Neryungri: by 3.4 % for girls and by 4.4% for boys, which is consistent with the results of the study of the body’s endomorphic component. Moreover, the ectomorphic component in adolescents from Neryungri was higher (p < 0.05): by 1.09 points in boys and by 0.51 point in girls. Boys from Neryungri had a physique type close to asthenic. Cardiovascular parameters in all the subjects corresponded to the age and sex norm. In adolescents from Dudinka, heart rate was higher than in those from Neryungri: 85.5±3.1 and 72.7±1.8 bpm in girls, respectively; 79.7±3.5 and 73.6±1.4 bpm in boys, respectively (p < 0.05). Diastolic pressure in adolescents from Dudinka was lower: by 16.8 mm Hg in girls and by 12.4 mm Hg in boys (p < 0.05). Kérdö index in adolescents from Neryungri corresponded to normotonia, while in their peers from Dudinka the values were higher, with a shift towards sympathicotonia. The study of heart rate variability showed that in 63.6 % of boys from Neryungri, the Baevsky Stress Index significantly exceeded the norm, while in the rest of the subjects it was close to normal. We suggest that the differences found in the morphofunctional parameters of the studied population are due to the influence of the climatic conditions of the areas of residence.


indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, adolescents, morphofunctional parameters, autonomic nervous system


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