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The Role of Functional Synergies in Managing the Space-Time Structure of Human Precision Movements (Exemplified by Target Archery)/ P. 410–419

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Section: Physiology

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Sergey A. Moiseev* ORCID:0000-0003-3923-3285
Aleksandr M. Pukhov* ORCID: 0000-0002-8642-970X
*Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports (Velikie Luki, Pskov Region, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Sergey Moiseev, address: pl. Yubileynaya 4, Velikie Luki, 182105, Pskovskaya obl., Russian Federation; e-mail:


Five highly skilled archers took part in this research, which studied the formation of functional synergies at the level of joint angles, kinematic characteristics and coordinated work of muscle groups, all of which make the movements look the standard way. We evaluated the variability of space-time parameters and electromyographic characteristics of skeletal muscles within the identified synergies as a reflection of the regulation processes in the central nervous system. It was found that during the “expansion” and “release” phases, most of the skeletal muscles under study are involved in muscle synergy and demonstrate a reliable functional dependence in it. Moreover, in these phases a significant variation in the parameters of muscle bioelectrical activity was revealed. Within the structure of muscle synergies of non-determinative phases of movement, differentiation of the contribution of individual muscles to the whole movement probably takes place, which is manifested in different values of the average amplitude variability on their electromyograms. The data obtained indicate that the formation of functional synergies at different organization levels, regardless of the significance of the phase of motor action, is one of the mechanisms ensuring successful performance of a complex coordination precision movement. However, in order to further clarify the role of functional synergies in managing such movements, it is necessary to consider the process of their formation at the neural level, for example, by analysing the relationships between the motor cortex and muscle activity. We believe that multiple regression analysis and neural network modelling methods will be useful for these purposes.


functional synergies, coordination structure of motor action, variability of skeletal muscle parameters, space-time characteristics, EMG activity, target archery


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