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Section: Review articles Download (pdf, 0.5MB )UDC616.8-07+612.825.1+612.821.2DOI10.17238/issn2542-1298.2019.7.4.472AuthorsOl’ga V. Krivonogova* ORCID: 0000-0002-7267-8836*N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Russian Academy of Sciences (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Ol’ga Krivonogova, address: prosp. Lomonosova. 249, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractIdentifying early signs of cognitive impairment to determine treatment strategies in order to prevent or delay the onset of dementia is highly relevant. This paper dwells on the classification of cognitive impairments, as well as risk factors and pathogenesis of vascular cognitive impairments. Further, diagnostic methods for cognitive impairments, their advantages and limitations in use are listed. A promising method for the objectification of cognitive impairments, especially at the initial stage of their development, is the method of P300 event-related evoked potentials. The essence of this method and the proposed sources of generation of P300 cognitive evoked potentials are briefly described here. P300 is used to study the cognitive function by analysing changes in amplitude and latency. The author studied Russian and foreign literature on the use of the P300 method for the diagnosis of vascular cognitive impairments at non-dementia stages. The presented data demonstrate the importance of this method in the diagnosis of non-dementia cognitive impairments as a method complementing the data of neuropsychological testing and neuroimaging methods. It is shown that the development of cognitive disorders in conjunction with a lengthening of the latent period and a decrease in the amplitude of P300 may have a special spatial structure of the distribution of P300 parameters, depending on the peculiarities of cardiovascular disorders. It should be noted that research data on the topography of P300 parameters distribution over the convex surface of the hemispheres in people with cardiovascular pathology living in the Arctic are limited. Considering the high incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the Arctic region, further study on the cognitive functions taking into account the distribution patterns of P300 parameters is required.Keywordsvascular cognitive impairments, P300 cognitive evoked potential, diagnosis of cognitive impairmentReferences1. Zakharov V.V., Voznesenskaya T.G. Nervno-psikhicheskie narusheniya: diagnosticheskie testy [Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Diagnostic Tests]. Moscow, 2014. 320 p.2. Zakharov V.V., Yakhno N.N. 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