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Section: Notes Download (pdf, 0.4MB )UDC612.82+612.843.7DOI10.17238/issn2542-1298.2019.7.4.487AuthorsLidiya P. Kalinina* ORCID: 0000-0001-5219-6912Aleksandr G. Kuz’min** ORCID: 0000-0001-6403-5059 *“Tochka Zreniya” Eye Center (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation) **Vologda State University (Vologda, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Lidiya Kalinina, address: ul. Komsomol’skaya 47, Arkhangelsk, 163072, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractUsing the 21-channel EEG system Neuron-Spectrum-4 (Russia), this paper studies visual-motor reaction parameters and visual event-related potentials in 449 schoolchildren aged 7–17 years living in Arkhangelsk. We identified a statistically significant positive correlation between P2 latency and response time: with decreasing latency of the P2 peak (which indicates improvement in perception of the stimulus), the time from the presentation of a signal to the response decreases, and vice versa. Further, the linear regression analysis showed a slight negative correlation between the P2 amplitude and omission response to rare stimuli: with increasing amplitude of the P2 peak (which indicates activation of the perception process), the number of omissions of significant stimuli may decrease. It was assumed that the visual-motor reaction time and accuracy can be one of the correlates of the P2 peak and reflect the maturity of perception processes in children.Keywordsschoolchildren, visual-motor reaction, visual event-related potentials, European North of RussiaReferences1. Dordzhieva D.B., Badmaeva I.A., Karlova S.V., Lidzhigoryaeva Ts.V. Vozrastnye razlichiya vremeni zritel’nomotornoy reaktsii u shkol’nikov [Age Differences in the Time of Visual-Motor Reaction in Schoolchildren]. Nauka vchera, segodnya, zavtra, 2017, no. 7, pp. 6–10.2. Bezrukikh M.M., Khryanin A.V., Terebova N.N. Vozrastnye i polovye osobennosti psikhofiziologicheskoy struktury zritel’nogo vospriyatiya u detey 5–7 let [Age and Sex Peculiarities of Psychophysiological Structure of Visual Perception in 5–7-Year-Old Children]. Novye issledovaniya, 2003, no. 4, pp 20–36. 3. Beteleva T.G. Ontogenez strukturno-funktsional’noy organizatsii vosprinimayushchey sistemy mozga [Ontogeny of the Structural and Functional Organization of the Brain Perception System]. Strukturno-funktsional’naya organizatsiya razvivayushchegosya mozga [Structural and Functional Organization of the Brain Perception System]. Leningrad, 1990, pp. 65–86. 4. Zhukova E.A. Ostrota zreniya, zritel’noe vospriyatie i faktory, vliyayushchie na nikh, u mladshikh shkol’nikov [Visual Acuity, Visual Perception and the Factors Influencing Them in Primary School Children: Diss.]. Kirov, 2004. 266 p. 5. Zaytsev A.V., Lupandin V.I., Surnina O.E. Vozrastnaya dinamika vremeni reaktsii na zritel’nye stimuly [Age-Related Dynamics of the Reaction Time to Visual Stimuli]. Fiziologiya cheloveka, 1999, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 34–37. 6. Kazakova E.V., Morozova L.V. Osobennosti formirovaniya zritel’nogo vospriyatiya u detey-severyan 7–8 let i faktory riska rannego dizontogeneza [Features of Formation of Visual Perception in Children-Northerners Aged 7–8 Years and Risk Factors of Early Dysontogenesis]. Eksperimental’naya psikhologiya, 2009, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 91–100. 7. Nekhoroshkova A.N., Gribanov A.V., Deputat I.S. Sensomotornye reaktsii v psikhofiziologicheskikh issledovaniyakh (obzor) [Sensomotor Reactions in Psychophysiological Studies (Review)]. Vestnik Severnogo (Arkticheskogo) federal’nogo universiteta. Ser.: Mediko-biologicheskie nauki, 2015, no. 1, pp. 38–48. 8. Favilla M. Reaching Movements in Children: Accuracy and Reaction Time Development. Exp. Brain Res., 2006, vol. 169, no. 1, pp. 122–125. 9. Gnezditskiy V.V. Vyzvannye potentsialy mozga v klinicheskoy praktike [Evoked Brain Potentials in Clinical Practice]. Moscow, 2003. 264 p. 10. Polich J. Cognitive Brain Potentials. Curr. Dir. Psychol. Sci., 1993, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 175−179. |
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