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Section: Physiology Download (pdf, 0.9MB )UDC[159.91+159.922.736.3]:[618.3+618.5]DOI10.17238/issn2542-1298.2020.8.1.33AuthorsMikhail A. Kunavin* ORCID:0000-0001-7948-1043Valentina N. Zyabisheva* ORCID: 0000-0001-6133-8249 *Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Mikhail Kunavin, address: nab. Severnoy Dviny 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractThe perinatal period is one of the most important stages of ontogenesis. The actively developing nervous system of the child at this stage is vulnerable to the effects of many negative factors. The unfavourable course of the perinatal period may adversely affect the formation of individual characteristics of the child’s development at a later age. We examined 109 children (57 boys and 52 girls) studying in primary schools of Arkhangelsk. To identify the occurrence of perinatal dysontogenesis factors in this sample, we used a questionnaire for parents. Its questions concerned the peculiarities of the child’s different age periods. A number of psychophysiological methods were applied to assess the development of such cognitive functions as short-term (visual and auditory) memory, adjustment of the pace of activity, visual thinking and perception, verbal and nonverbal intelligence, as well as speech. The analysis of the questionnaire’s data showed that the most common factors of perinatal dysontogenesis are pregnancy disorders (more than 40 % of the total sample), as well as burdened and difficult delivery (more than 25 %). Factorization of the test results of the first-formers’ cognitive functions revealed the presence of three integral indicators that determine the psychophysiological profile of children in this age group (7–8 years). Variables were identified that describe the general level of intellectual development, the degree of formation of voluntariness of psychophysiological functions, and adjustment of the pace of activity. The analysis of the subjects’ cognitive sphere revealed that children with a large number of factors of dysontogenesis in the perinatal period had a lower level of development of visual perception (Spearman’s ρ = –0.506; p = 0.001), speech generalization (ρ = –0.281; p = 0.036) and voluntary activity (ρ = –0.412; p = 0.013) compared to their peers. Thus, it was proven that the unfavourable course of the early stages of ontogenesis has a negative effect on the formation of the child’s individual psychophysiological profile and can be the cause of development delays of certain cognitive functions.For citation: Kunavin M.A., Zyabisheva V.N. Psychophysiological Development of First-Formers with Dysontogenesis in the Perinatal Period Living in Arkhangelsk. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2020, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 33–44. DOI: 10.17238/issn2542-1298.2020.8.1.33 Keywordsearly dysontogenesis, risk factors for dysontogenesis, early child development, perinatal period, psychophysiological development, first-formersReferences1. Cioni G., D’Acunto G., Guzzetta A. Perinatal Brain Damage in Children: Neuroplasticity, Early Intervention, and Molecular Mechanisms of Recovery. Prog. Brain Res., 2011, vol. 189, рр. 139–154.2. Partsalis E.M. Faktory riska narusheniya kognitivnogo razvitiya u detey (obzor) [Risk Factors of Violation of Cognitive Development in Children (Review)]. Novye issledovaniya, 2013, no. 2, pp. 4–22. 3. Bhutta A.T., Cleves M.A., Casey P.H., Cradock M.M., Anand K.J.S. Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes of School-Aged Children Who Were Born Preterm: A Meta-Analysis. JAMA, 2002, vol. 288, no. 6, pp. 728–737. 4. Moster D., Lie R.T., Markestad T. Long-Term Medical and Social Consequences of Preterm Birth. N. Eng. J. 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