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Section: Physiology Download (pdf, 0.8MB )UDC[612.825+612.83]:796DOI10.37482/2542-1298-Z004AuthorsOl’ga V. Lanskaya* ORCID: 0000-0003-0681-9642Elena V. Lanskaya* ORCID: 0000-0001-9137-9826 *Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports (Velikiye Luki, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Ol’ga Lanskaya, address: pl. Yubileynaya 4, Velikie Luki, 182105, Pskovskaya obl., Russian Federation; e-mail: lanskaya2012@yandex.ru AbstractWe studied the neurophysiological characteristics of 10 young men who are not engaged in professional sports, 10 basketball players with injuries of the musculoskeletal system undergoing rehabilitation in the educational and training process, and 12 basketball players without injuries. The age of the participants was 19–22 years. We analysed the parameters of induced motor responses of the thigh and lower leg muscles (threshold, maximum amplitude, latency, central motor conduction time) registered as a result of magnetic stimulation of motor cortical projections for the lower limb muscles, as well as spinal structures at the level of the T12–L1 vertebrae. It was found that the excitability of cortical neurons and motor neurons of the lumbar spinal segments, as well as corticospinal tract conductivity were significantly higher in uninjured players than in non-athletes and athletes with musculoskeletal dysfunction (prior to the start of rehabilitation training). As a result of the course of rehabilitation training (72 sessions during 38 training days) injured basketball players showed a significant increase in the level of corticospinal excitability and conduction: it was very similar to that of athletes without a history of traumatic injuries. For example, at transcranial magnetic stimulation the maximum amplitude of induced motor responses of the rectus femoris and tibialis anterior in basketball players with injuries was lower by 40.6 and 47.1 % respectively than in athletes without injuries (p < 0.05; p < 0.01) before the course, but after the course the amplitude increased by 34.5 % (p < 0.05) and 37.9 % (p < 0.001) compared to baseline. The study confirmed the effectiveness of the rehabilitation training course with the use of pedagogical, medical and biological as well as psychological recovery tools and its importance for the training process, starting from the moment of resuming training after injuries.For citation: Lanskaya O.V., Lanskaya E.V. Analysis of Changes in the Neurophysiological Characteristics of Basketball Players Under the Influence of Sports and Rehabilitation Training. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2020, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 139–148. 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