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Section: Notes Download (pdf, 0.4MB )UDC612.172.2:159.928.235DOI10.37482/2542-1298-Z011AuthorsAleksey L. Korepanov* ORCID: 0000-0002-3699-9528Irina Yu. Vasilenko* ORCID: 0000-0002-6524-1337 Anastasiya A. Shevchenko* ORCID: 0000-0003-2786-8232 *Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Aleksey Korepanov, address: ul. Universitetskaya 33, Sevastopol, 2299006, Respublika Krym, Russian Federation; e-mail: AbstractThis paper investigates the dynamics of heart rate variability in 22 female university students during a training experiment based on an interactive simulator. In the course of the experiment, the subjects performed practice and control tasks that take into account perception patterns and principles of information visualization. As indicators of successful learning, we used the execution time of the control tasks and the difference in the execution time between the practice and the control tasks. Heart rate variability (HRV) was assessed before and during the experiment by means of Neuron-Spectrum-1 multifunctional digital system. Time and frequency indicators of HRV were recorded; the structure of spectral power was analysed; the Baevsky Stress Index was determined. We observed an increase in stress levels of the students’ control systems (according to the stress index) at the beginning of the experiment. In the middle of training, there was an increase in the proportion of parasympathetic effects on heart rhythm, which reflects the processes of the formation of optimal balance in the regulatory systems under cognitive load. Further, we found a high direct correlation of the high-frequency norm (r = 0.692, p = 0.05) and a high inverse correlation of the low-frequency norm (r = –0.692, p = 0.05) at rest with learning success, which confirms the significance of the sympathetic-parasympathetic relationship in the formation of cognitive function of the brain in general and of learning success in particular. In addition, the possibility of using the normalized power index of the high-frequency heart rate component to predict the success of training is discussed.For citation: Korepanov A.L., Vasilenko I.Yu., Shevchenko A.A. Dynamics of Heart Rate Variability in Female University Students During Visual Thinking Training. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2020, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 204–208. DOI: 10.37482/2542-1298-Z011 Keywordsheart rate variability, female university students, information visualization, interactive simulatorReferences1. Preminina O.S., Mityagina T.S. 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