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Dynamics of Stabilometric Indicators at the Second Stage of Rehabilitation After Hip Replacement. P. 277–284

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Nadezhda A. Goryannaya* ORCID: 0000-0002-6127-6540
Nadezhda I. Ishekova* ORCID: 0000-0002-0506-4375
Aleksandr N. Ishekov* ORCID: 0000-0001-7692-9818
*Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation)
Corresponding author: Nadezhda Goryannaya, address: prosp. Troitskiy 51, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation; e-mail:


The aim of this study was to determine the dynamics of stabilometric indicators in patients after total hip replacement at the second stage of rehabilitation. The research involved 43 subjects, including 27 (62.8 %) women and 16 (37.2 %) men. In 21 cases (48.8 %), the operation was performed on the left and in 22 cases (51.2 %) on the right hip joint. All the patients were examined on the ST-150 stabilometric platform (Russia) twice: when starting the second stage of rehabilitation and after 14 days of rehabilitation. The exclusion criteria were: bilateral involvement of hip joint, vestibular disorders, clinically significant neurological pathology, and visual impairment. The study was conducted in line with the generally accepted method with eyes closed/open, the feet being placed according to the accepted American standard. During the second stage of rehabilitation, computer stabilometry was used to analyse the balance parameters and support symmetry indicators in patients after total hip replacement, taking into account the side of the lesion. The analysis of the results before the course of rehabilitation revealed a shift in the centre of pressure in most of the patients. By the end of the rehabilitation, the proportion of subjects with stable balance rose from 30.2 to 39.5 % of cases; we observed a decrease in visual control of posture due to increased proprioceptive control, as well as a decline in the influence of vision on the balance function (p < 0.002). The obtained data prove the need to use stabilometry in the complex correction of existing disorders at the second stage of rehabilitation in patients after hip replacement.


hip replacement, stabilometry, rehabilitation after hip replacement


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