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Section: Physiology Download (pdf, 0.6MB )UDC[612.13+616-053.5](571.122)DOI10.37482/2687-1491-Z050AuthorsAlena A. Govorukhina* ORCID: 0000-0002-7466-2918Kristina S. Kon’kova* ORCID: 0000-0002-7131-7780 *Surgut State Pedagogical University (Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Russian Federation) Corresponding author: Kristina Kon’kova, address: ul. 50 let VLKSM 10/2, Surgut, 628417, Khanty-Mansiyskiy avtonomnyy okrug – Yugra, Russian Federation; e-mail: Kris92.008@yandex.ru AbstractThe research involved 479 schoolchildren living on the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra (KMAO – Yugra). Two groups were singled out: the Khanty and 1st and 2nd generation descendants of newcomers. The following parameters were studied: blood pressure, heart rate, double product, and index of functional changes; the frequency of deviations from standard values was identified. In addition, the dominant type of circulation was determined. The analysis of the children’s circulatory system parameters revealed some ethnicity-related features. It was established that Khanty children have higher aerobic capacity of the cardiovascular system and lower blood pressure than newcomers’ descendants. Blood pressure deviations from the norm (high blood pressure in girls and arterial hypertension in boys) were statistically more common in newcomers’ descendants. Virtually one in two children had heart rate exceeding the normal values. Moreover, we observed increased stress of the cardiovascular system in the group of newcomers’ descendants (in girls aged 12–15 and boys aged 14–17 years) which was indicated by higher values of double product and index of functional changes. Hyperkinetic type of circulation was predominant in both groups, being, however, more frequent in Khanty children. The revealed features of the cardiovascular system in children of different ethnic groups living in KMAO – Yugra highlight the importance of developing regional and ethnic standards for an objective evaluation of children’s health.For citation: Govorukhina A.A., Kon’kova K.S. Features of the Circulatory System in 8–17-Year-Old Children of Different Ethnic Groups Living in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 126–137. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z050 Keywordscirculatory system, schoolchildren, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Khanty, newcomers’ descendantsReferences1. Korchina T.Ya., Korchin V.I., Lapenko I.V., Tkacheva S.V., Grebenyuk V.N. 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