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An Approach to Public Health Protection in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (Review). P. 201-212

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Aleksandr V. Marasanov* ORCID: 0000-0003-1460-9645
Anatoliy A. Stekhin* ORCID: 0000-0002-8750-0686
Galina V. Yakovleva* ORCID: 0000-0002-8766-2773

*Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks of the Federal Medical Biological Agency (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Corresponding author: Aleksandr Marasanov, address: ul. Pogodinskaya 10, str. 1, Moscow, 119121, Russian Federation; e-mail:


This paper analyses environmental factors and their influence on the human body in the Far North. The cold factor is considered separately. It is noted that adaptation to extreme environmental factors in the north resembles adaptive processes taking place in the body under stress. The article describes the phenotypic approach to preventing non-communicable diseases in the population based on the theory of adaptation, control theory, theory of functional systems and system approach. We suggest using a predictive model of the body in the form of an anatomico-physiological structure reflecting grouping of interacting organs and tissues by their physiological functions. The model is represented by the reaction norms of the body’s systems and by the rules of their interaction. With its help, one can identify the predisposition of the body’s systems to destruction and the corresponding cause-and-effect relationships in the body, as well as devise a personal algorithm for health preservation and carry out vocational selection. The predictive properties of the model are based on the manifestations of the adaptive response to environmental stress factors. The recommendations are preventive in nature and are aimed at stimulating the individual’s involvement in his/her health protection. Methods of influencing the homeostatic regulation of the body and increasing the capabilities of the immune system in the north are proposed, i.e. technologies for restoring the body’s circadian rhythm as well as activating the living environment and drinking water in order to prevent chronic non-infectious diseases. The suggested predictive model of the body contributes to the development of a general theory of adaptation and a general theory of pathology. The considered approach to health preservation is compatible with telemedicine and e-health technologies and can therefore make adequate medical services available to the population of the Far North, in particular to those living in remote areas.
For citation: Marasanov A.V., Stekhin A.A., Yakovleva G.V. An Approach to Public Health Protection in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (Review). Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 201–212. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z058


public health protection, environmental factors, adaptation to the conditions of the North, disease prognosis, prevention of non-communicable diseases, participativeness, phenomics


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