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Epidemiology of Oncological Diseases in the Nizhny Novgorod Region in 2017–2019. P. 417-425

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Sergey A. Saburtsev* ORCID:
Pavel G. Chemodanov* ORCID:

*Arzamas Branch of National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russian Federation)


As we know, neoplasms are characterized by high prevalence. The purpose of this study was to analyse the dynamics of cancers in the Nizhny Novgorod Region in 2017–2019. Materials and methods. The object of this research were the residents of the city of Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod Region who sought medical help at Polyclinic No. 3 of the Volga District Medical Centre, Russia’s Federal Medical-Biological Agency (Nizhny Novgorod). Computed tomography was used to diagnose neoplasms. Results. In 2017, 50,470 diseases were identified, of which 2548 were neoplasms (599 malignant, and the rest benign). In 2018, 57,012 diseases were diagnosed, of which 2710 neoplasms, 639 being malignant. In 2019, the statistics was rather similar: a total of 55,110 diseases, of which 2705 neoplasms (661 malignant). Thus, the total number of diagnosed diseases, neoplasms included, was somewhat less in 2017, which can be explained by certain improvement in diagnostics and reporting, as well as a more active participation of the population in screening in 2018–2019. The absolute number of malignant neoplasms, although not much, still grows annually, and they are typically diagnosed after the age of 55–60 years. In general, the most often attacked is the digestive system, which is indicated by a steady increase in the number of new diagnoses by 1.5–2 % each year. Fortunately, there is also a positive trend, i.e. the number of malignant tumours of the excretory system, skin and female repr oductive system is falling.
Corresponding author: Sergey Saburtsev, address: ul. Karla Marksa 36, Arzamas, 607220, Nizhegorodskaya obl., Russian Federation; e-mail:
For citation: Saburtsev S.A., Chemodanov P.G. Epidemiology of Oncological Diseases in the Nizhny Novgorod Region in 2017–2019. Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2021, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 417–425. DOI: 10.37482/2687-1491-Z079


epidemiology, oncology, computed tomography, Nizhny Novgorod Region


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